Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Do you have a liver transplant story?

I want to hear! Are you waiting for a liver transplant or are you looking into medical tourism? If so, I want to know your experiences. Share your story so we can help educate Americans with the options they may have.

Did you experience a liver transplant in the US? Were you a live donor? How was your experience? Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. My 1 year old niece is hospitalized, waiting for a liver.

    She's a "40" on UNOS, so we hope for a cadaver liver soon. After many family members being tested for compatibility, she has one possible living donor option.

  2. Julia,
    I thought of you and your family all day today until I could get on LuLu's blog and see what this was all about. I can't even imagine having to wait for a cadaver liver. Liz must be a strong woman! I've subscribed and your family is in my prayers!
    What's going on with the living donor option? Is that a possibility?
