Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

I'm probably not going to be typing the best right now. I'm seeing a little bit of fuzziness in the words I type, but I read the blog earlier today and just had to comment on how much everything everyone said touched me! My mom said it perfectly a few days ago, maybe perhaps even at the same time I was lying in bed thinking about the cross I was carrying. The pain was a little more than I expected those first couple of days and I just had to think about how Jesus carried the cross and how it's Holy Week. My thoughts seemed to ease my pain completely.

I'm feeling pretty good most of the time and haven't needed too much pain medication. Neysa is napping and I couldn't close my eyes so I decided to type. I'm missing everyone back home. I hope everyone is spending time with their families and having a good time on this Easter Sunday. It's been really great having this time with my sister. She has taken care of every need and beyond. My back has been sore because of lying in bed and when I walk I can't really stand up straight. So there's a lot of soreness in my lower back. Her massages and constant care has really helped me improve and feel better. It's amazing how much your abs structure your body and your movements.

Dad continues to be in the ICU and they told Neysa and I today he is very susceptible for infection because of the dialysis machine and that we can't see him for a few days. We will arrange some times to talk by phone to let him know we are thinking of him. He is eating food now and they want to get him up and moving tomorrow. The doctors just came into my room and told me he is talking in sentences and he's still on dialysis. Dad was asking about his liver function and they told him it is working great. I know once they get him up and moving things will improve quickly for him.


  1. Happy Easter! It is cold here this morning in Denver. I got a text from Aunt Joyce saying it was snowing in Monument! You know how they have that Burmuda Triagle of weather down there! Richard is here for the weekend. We'll be off to church in a little bit. Aunt Rita was here until about midnight. We watched a couple of movies including "Marley & Me". We had a nice evening.
    Ruben is still having a lot of pain from his surgery and will see his doctor tomorrow for the follow-up. I hope it turns out okay. He was on Spring Break the first week after the surgery, then took a week off. So, it seems like he would be further along than he is. Although he jumped right into his regular schedule of teaching at DSA, and working with marching bands at Eaglecrest & Centarus. They had a competition yesterday until about 11:00!
    Robert just recently moved into another apartment between Broadway & Lincoln. He's still keeping busy with Starbucks & CU Denver.
    It will be nice when you are all home for a holiday and we can celebrate together again! We miss you and continue to pray for you. Love to the three of you and have a blessed day! XOXOX for the three Q's!
    Aunt Cecilia

  2. Happy Easter! I can't even imagine the pain that you must be feeling physically, but also the joy that I am sure you feel, being able to give your dad such a wonderful gift of life. You truly are a Godsend, a hero and inspiration to all of us Renee. You and Neysa both have been a Godsend. It has been wonderful that you both were able to take time out from your busy schedules and make this sacrifice to your father. God will bless both of you and your husbands that are standing behind you in all of this. I know that Susan has also been out there in the background providing all of you support as well. Happy Easter to all of you.

    It's funny, I was thinking the same thing as your Aunt Cecilia - funny how that happens more times than we probably know - but we really haven't had a big holiday with the Q's in quite some time. We are really going to have to make an effort to pull all of us together. I know that everyone has their own families and it's harder to bring us all into one place, but this year really will be a time for celebration when you are all home safely. Jennifer and I were talking yesterday and saying that it's nice that this blog has kept our whole family more in touch with each other. Even though we don't speak to each other that often, we at least know what's going on in the family. Thank you for keeping that going.

    Today we are celebrating Easter with Matt's family. Cody has been home for the weekend and Dylan returned from his European trip this past Monday. It's nice to have all of us home.

    I know that your day is drawing to a close, but as always, I think about the 3 of you constantly and miss and love you all. Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    Aunt Suzi - Uncle Matt, Cody and Dylan

  3. Happy Easter!
    My Mom and Polo are here spending the weekend with the Trujillo family! We celebrated my birthday last night, went to church this morning and are cooking and baking now! We have not had snow here in Albuquerque but they have in Questa. We had rain on and off all day yesterday and Felice's track meet was cancelled. We tossed the new Easter outfits aside and put our warm winter clothing back on.
    My Mom intends on posting soon butr asked me to let you all know she is thinking of you all. She sends her love.

  4. Renee- still in our thoughts and as Mastermind is coming up on Tuesday, I thought I might ask you what your stretches are?
    1. work on abs
    2. take a longer walk
    3. book some parties??

    lol...let us know what, if and HOW we can support you from here.

    Happy Easter, I know you are homesick, just do what you must to have a FULL recovery!

  5. One other thing for those of you who are reading, but not posting comments (in the blogosphere you are called lurkers), it is time to come out from lurking and just know that comments are what FEED the blogger to keep on blogging, long, short, funny, serious or just a "hello, I'm here".

    Picture how you are drawn to the computer to see the latest update, well Renee, Neysa and Mike once he is up to it are drawn in the very same way. It will also be a wonderful way to look back and remember all that was going on as well as those who were on the journey with them.

    Tip to Renee and Neysa to get those comments coming: ask a question at the end of the post, that often gets people commenting.

    You are both doing GREAT at this blogging!

  6. Hello Mike, Renee, & Neysa
    Happy Easter! Do they have Easter eggs in India? J/K! I didn't think so. I am so happy to hear that everyone is recovering well, and that everyones sense of humor made it through the surgery. I would hate to have that removed! You all have the BEST attitudes. Renee, if you could bottle this all-knowing-confidence you have~ you could make millions! Or maybe you should be a motivational speaker?

    Happy Easter. ~Amber

  7. Happy Easter, you "Easter" Indians! So happy to hear that you're up walking about Renee! Wish you didn't have to be Quarantined from your dad, but that's an important thing for him right now.
    I recieved some "advice" from two of our clairvoyant friends today...some for your dad, and some for you, Renee...Hannah, who is one of the elders in our church says that she could see your dad's kidneys being "held" cradled, in the hands of God, and that Mike needs to see-visualize himself and everything physical,having to do with his body, separate, from the kidneys. He is to pray for their healing, separating them from all, so that they may heal without the strain of their ultimate function...this will help them to realize their strength!

    Later, she told me that Your "connecting tissues, Renee, are "confused and feeling loss. You should visualize a "fill in" where the "old was removed. A pale green, blue or pink (very faint colors) may be projected for your healing...that is, to visualize these colors around your chest cavity where the liver was removed....also, to drink LOTS of water! These projections of color may be used by anyone else who would like to do so while they pray for your, and Mike's healing!
    Everything helps! As I am learning, Color plays a huge part in our well-being, we have not been aware (mostly) of how our bodies "need colors" ---but we do, and we dress sometimes unknowingly, in the colors our bodies crave! (fun-fact # 42-LOL!)
    Anyway, I hope someone brought you an Easter egg! I'll send you some in your dreams! I'm gonna go for now, I'm waiting for Drina and Ty, who should be here any moment...we're gonna go across the street to listen to a little concert--some folk singer that Drina thought I'd enjoy...
    God bless you all on this Holy Day! And bless Us All--in this time of renewal! Hugs and big kisses to Neysa-Bunny too! Auntie Rita

  8. Renee, Mike and Neysa

    It's so great to read that things are going well with your recovery. Our thoughts and prayers continue to come your way.

    I loved Barb's analogy and it makes such sense. She is right, there is no mistake in why things worked out the way they have.

    Renee and Mike, you are so obviously blessed to have Neysa there with you taking care of both of you - Neysa, we all thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Renee and Mike.

    Renee, please let us know if there is anything you need or that we can do from here to help you in anyway.

    Glenn and I had to laugh earlier......Ryan was trying to do something with the TV and Taylor had the remote and was doing the opposite - he looks and says "what the heck??" LOL - immediately reminded us of that time when Glenn took the batteries out of your "tap lite" during our game at that one Christmas party for the team, lol - that was funny, you kept hitting that light knowing it would light up - only

    We love seeing all the prayers being answered day by day and can't wait to see you after you return.


  9. Happy Easter to each and every one of you. It has been so great hearing that each day is an improvement from the one before.
    Neysa, thank you so much for keeping us all informed. Your Dad and Sister are so blessed to have you there with them. I know too your bonds are stronger than ever and thats a beautiful thing.
    Renee, it's so great you are able to get up and about again. I know you must still be in quite a bit of pain and yet your inner strength pushes you to gain back somewhat a daily routine. It is also your inner strength that has gotten you through this difficult time. You are an inspiration to all of us and we are so proud of you!
    Mike, we are so happy you too are gaining back your strength. Little by little your progress will result in you being able to have a better life. You are truely blessed to have your girls there by your side. They are amazing women and we love all of you!
    As Sis said, we had snow all day long. Not much more than 3-4 inches, but it was very wet so the yards should start perking up very soon.
    You remain in our daily thoughts and prayers. Love, Dave, Joyce, Danni and Alli

  10. Hi there! Renee and Family I just wanted to let you know you have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Easter!

    Lots of Love,

    Nicki Eaton

  11. One more note to wish you all a Happy Easter.
    It's late Easter Sunday evening here, so early Monday morning there, but wanted to let you know you were in our thoughts today as we reminisced about times we've been together in the past. You seemed in great spirits last night when we talked on Skype, Renee and Neysa. Hope you felt better yet today and that Mike is making the same kind of progress. Thanks to Kelly (above) who pointed out how much the three of you look forward to the comments from all of us who are out here silently rooting for you. We have to remember that the three of you are spending 24 hours a day confined to a hospital room in a strange land 10 or 12 time zones away. Many of the people who are taking care of you don't even speak English. The "comments" which we post to you have to be a highlight of your day, much as mailcall used to be to the troops out in the battlefields of days gone by. A cheerful word from anyone you know has to be uplifting and encouraging to you. Let the "lurkers" know how much you'd like to hear from them Neysa and Renee. Talk to you later. Love you all.
    Al and Sandy

  12. Glad to hear you are doing well Renee! I've been "lurking" and didn't know how to post - found it now ;).

    Happy Easter and god bless on a speedy recovery to you and your dad!

    Marianne Stephenson :)

  13. Dear Mike, Renee and Neysa,Happy Easter!It's not Quite midnight here in Questa.Polo & I returned from Abq. about 9:30 PM after an enjoyable weekend celebrating Jennifer's and a blessed, or blessedly cold Easter Sunday!Our thoughts and prayers are with you three today as they are each and every day since you embarked on your journey.We thank God for the success of your surgeries Mike and Renee, and for the courage and strength you have each demonstrated. Neysa, We are also thankful for your strength and support to your dad and your sister. You have taken on a great responsability, and have risen to the occasion! Giod bless you fior this. Wish I could be there to help, but unfortunately, I can only be one of many of us who are back here praying and thinking of all three of you each waking moment. It's getting very late,so i'll say good night. I also promise to comment on a regular basis from now on! I no longer want to be in the ranks of the "lerkers". Have a wonderful Easter Monday!Love, your sis/auntie Rosie

  14. Happy (belated) Easter! What a beautiful analogy that Aunt Barb pointed out the other day. I lit a candle and said a prayer for you all in a beautiful cathedral in Cambridge yesterday morning. I couldn't stop thinking about all three of you all throughout the day yesterday. Keep your thoughts positive, and know that the cross that you bear will soon be lifted off your shoulders.
