Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just talked to the doctor

I just spoke with Dr. Gupta and he said that the surgery went well. My dad was starting to respond and winked at me when I saw him. He was still pretty shakey like this morning. The nurses said they should be able to take the tube out of his mouth in a few hours. Dr. Gupta voiced his concern about his kidneys again. He has been concerned with his kidneys since before we started, but we will just have to see how it goes. I personally think that with a new liver it should take some of the strain off the kidneys but I'm not a professional.

I saw Renee this morning again and she said it felt like an elephant was standing on her chest. She said she wasn's in pain like last night but that it was hard to breathe and she was uncomfortable. She was pretty emotional and I could tell she had been crying. I'm sure today will be one of the worst days. I think the morphine makes her emotional too. But she too is doing well.

So keep up the prayers. I am staying here in case I can see one of them again before "visiting hours". I'll be online if anyone has Skype.



  1. Oh and my skype name is Neysa Berman

  2. Got up early to check for an update on LIVERLETLIVE. As you said, Neysa, today will probably be a pretty tough day for both Mike and Renee. This is about as "major" as surgery can get, and we have to expect some of the discomfort which you described. The encouraging thing is that both Mike and Renee came through with no hitches and that Dr Gupta and his team are giving you positive reports. That is what we've all been praying for. With the Doctors expertise, good nursing, and drugs of course, they will get the pain and discomfort minimized. You stay strong and give them all the moral support you're capable of and we'll keep the prayers coming.
    Love you all,

    Al and Sandy

  3. Neysa,
    Please send both of them my love. I've been quietly following the posts. Hearing Renee being in pain is all but making me BALL. A wink from your dad must have been the BEST feeling, especially after such a dramatic surgery.
    Its obvious your family is very special and I am so glad to know and love you guys.

  4. Whoops- forgot the signautre. :)
    Hugs & Love from Valerie

  5. I'm so happy all is going well with the three of you! How are you holding up? Our prayers are for the three of you to regain perfect health and strength soon so you can come home. We continue to pray and support you from the other side of the globe. Give your dad and sister hugs and kisses from me. Keep those updates coming as we are all glued to this blog. Love,
    Aunt Cecilia

  6. Neysa,

    There were so many times while you were growing up that you were dragged along to an emergency doctor’s visit, numerous doctor’s appointments, rushed trips to the hospital emergency rooms, being rushed back from a vacation and all of this to care for an asthma attach or asthma treatments that Renee was undergoing. You were always the strong one in the background, never complaining, always being concerned and attentive to Renee’s needs and never causing problems for me. In fact, making it fun and interesting by doing cute things like hiding in the cupboards from Dr. Buckley to find you (you were shorter then). There were so many ways you added happiness to our lives. I feel you didn’t get the attention you so deserved as it seemed I was usually operating in emergency mode trying to keep my head above water.

    I want to acknowledge you for being that awesome person who is the “wind beneath the wings” of this transplant operation. The one who will be there when the worst is happening and giving them your selfless service and beloved assistance with anything and everything they will need after this operation and standing strong through it all . . knowing that there will again be better days ahead because of it. And not expecting anything in return or special attention to yourself. God works in ways we don’t see sometimes. In looking back, maybe all those doctor’s visits and ER visits in your early years was your training for the main event. If so, you have passed the bar in my book. I love and respect you for who you are being. You are both awesome and amazing and I’m proud you are my daughters.

    You have your job cut out for you over the next few weeks so be sure to manage your own health so you can be there fully for dad and Renee.

    Love & hugs to all,

  7. Okay, now that I'm balling my eyes out! I'm so glad to hear you're all doing well!! Renee, I feel for you having trouble breathing. I can only imagine the thoughts going through your head...hang in there. Let's hope and pray it's all smooth sailing from here. The worst is over. Give your dad a hug for me. Hugs to you, Neysa, and Renee! All of you are amazing!!!!

    Love you!

  8. Thanks Mom, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world other than right here. I love you.

