Friday, April 24, 2009

2 am phone call

We awoke from a phone call at 2 am from the duty doctor saying that they had to put him on a ventilator because he was having trouble breathing. They also had to put a tube going into his stomach to release some gas. I had a hard time understanding the doctor when he called so we immediately jumped out of bed and took a taxi to the hospital only to find that he was okay and in stable condition. They did give him a sedative and are planning dialysis tomorrow. His chances of getting out of ICU in the next few days are not looking good. But Renee and I are feeling like it may be the best place for him for now. We'll keep you posted.
3:12 PM

Now it is morning and the doctors said he was very sick last night and now he is on a lot of medications. We are headed down there to see if we can get a more detailed explanaton.

1 comment:

  1. Bloody hell man...Ty and I are following and sending you all of our love!!!
