Friday, April 10, 2009

Not out of the woods yet

The doctors have said that my dad's liver is doing well but the kidneys are struggling a bit. When I visited him today he was on the dialysis machine and he said it hurt to talk. So I rubbed his feet and told him to concentrate on his breathing. I told him about everyone who has written on the blog and that it's already Friday. He smiled, I'm sure the last few days have been a bit of a blur. It's hard seeing him like that but at least I know he's not in too much pain. Every night before I go to bed, I imagine that I can heal his kidneys and focus all of my energy on making them better, so hopefully it works - I think it will.

Renee is finally off the IV and has only one drainage tube coming out of the incision site. She said the wound doesn't look bad. She hasn't walked yet today, but the night is still young, and i think we'll try within the next few hours. She started eating soft foods today. So she's recovering well.

Me, on the other hand, felt like a bit of a mess today. I had plans with Titi and Cedric (Esther's friends) for lunch but canceled because I didn't want to be away too long. I was a little emotional when I saw my dad today, but somehow managed to keep it together until I left. It's hard not really knowing how serious this thing is with his kidneys, I just want him to get better. I know that this next week is an important time to pay attention to every detail and ask lots of questions. I think the nurses in my dads ICU must think I'm crazy because I brought my own clorox wipes and insisted that they let me sanitize the room. When one of the nurses dropped her glove on the floor and tried to go into the room I asked her to change both of her gloves before touching him. Maybe that's why they have started to enforce the "visiting times" . Anyhow, it looks like they are keeping his room clean now that they know what is expected.


  1. Hi Neysa - We will all continue to say our prayers for Renee and now especially for your dad. I think about you guys each and every day and as I said before, it's hard enough being here and reading about it, much less being there. I know that God will give you the strength to get through this, and ultimately to get your dad and Renee through as well. I wish I was there to give you a big hug - xoxoxo! Give your big sis and dad a hug and kiss from me too. Love you - Aunt Suzi

  2. Still here watching and waiting. We're really happy Renee is bouncing back, so we'll concentrate the positive thoughts and prayers on Mike. Sounds like the liver is acting like it should, now if the kidneys will realize they've got some help and get back to business, we can all relax a little.
    Neysa, tell your Dad that today is the Rockies Home Opener. Bet he hasn't thought about might give him something to smile about for a moment.
    Love you,
    Al and Sandy

  3. Hello from New York. We have been following Mike's journey on Neysa's blog and from chats with Susan. Mike and Renee have been in our thoughts and prayers. The positive energy from everyone has been terrific; we have been trying to add some from the East coast. Please pass along our love and prayers to Mike and Renee.

    Jim, Lynn and boys (Susan's brother and family)

  4. It is good to see that things are progressing. We all really appreciate your updates, and I'm sure most of us have the blog minimized so we can check for new news in a click! We are constantly thinking about you and the prayers continue for the three of you. I know it must be hard for you to be there by yourself. Our family has always been so close and I know how much hug or a shoulder to cry on can mean. You know we are all behind you and wish we could be there for you. You are amazingly strong for what you are doing! Renee is also amazing for her selfless act for her dad!
    Please consider yourself hugged and give your dad & sister a big hug & kiss from me, also!
    Keep the updates coming. Love you!
    Aunt Cecilia

  5. Mike, Renee and Neysa,

    I finally got my home computer working again today. Thanks, also, to Kelly on how to get the name to appear on my comment.

    It is Good Friday today also called Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday. It is the Friday preceding Easter Sunday and often coincides with the Jewish observance of Passover. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Golgatha. Which leads to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. I know you know this but wanted to bring you present too it for my next comment.

    All that you are going through on the other side of the world is happening during holy week. It was no accident that your operations were delayed for this week. You are each carrying your own crosses in a much different way, and soon will be on your way to recovery, or resurrection from all the stress, pain and discomfort you've been experiencing.

    Thought this was a good analogy and would give you hope for what's in your near future.

    Sending my love and prayers to all of you on this special day. God Bless you,

  6. Hey You Guys!! Finally! The computer was not doing it's thing when we wanted to "post a comment" (the little scrambled word wasn't showing up, and so the "magic" couldn't happen!)The last blog I was able to send was from Rosie's when I was in NM! I've been feeling really crummy about not being able to post anything, but you've been doing a great job of keeping us informed Neysa-so "Thanks" for that, I have been grateful that Barb and I have at least been able to READ the comments!
    So, I'll try not to make this too long, given all the time gone by---and especially after re-reading my poem that I sent you, and realizing how LONG it is---guess I was just feeling good, and wanted to pass it along!Sorry if I put anyone to sleep!
    I particularly enjoyed the really cool video you guys sent along prior to the surgery! REALLY SPECIAL! You all looke SOO good! Was happy to see Mike talking easily in that, and all the joy you expressed!
    Happy to hear that you're keeping those sisters on their toes Neysa! Good for you making that one person change both her gloves!---Yeah, you're probably right about them returning the favor by making you adhere to the visiting times!
    You are so right in concentrating your love and light around your dad's kidneys now---Yes, he has come this far already by the prayers concentrated on healing the liver, and also, just his mental well-being! God bless you for just knowing this! Just pray as if you are ALREADY there!
    Well, It's Friday night, Good Friday as your mom reminds you...What a beautiful perspective on this Holy Week! Walk in His Light, and offer HIM your concerns, and all WILL be well...Have a beautiful morning you all, every day is wonderful! Love, hugs and kisses! Auntie R.

  7. Uncle Rick and Aunt Mary FolchertApril 10, 2009 at 9:12 PM

    Aunt Mary and Uncle Rick Folchert said...
    thanks for the update. we're saying rosaries everynight for all of you. Neysa besure and take care of yourself. Remember you have to be well and strong for everyone else. Get some rest and your Dad will look better in the morning. I know you are a very strong person and your love for your Dad and Renee will carry you through. Our prayers this holy week are for all of you.
    Love You, Aunt Mary and Uncle Rick

    April 10, 2009 9:03 PM

  8. Wow! The analogy that Aunt Barb posted was very profound! I had not thought of what you are all going through in that way, but yes it makes perfect sense!! I am glad to hear that Renee has taken her first victory lap and that Uncle Mike is doing well. I have faith that his kidneys will function better soon with his new liver and that pin ball looking dialysis machine can be shoved into a corner!
    Neysa, you are doing an awesome job keeping us all informed. You are also a brave hero and a Godsend to Uncle Mike and Renee! Have a blessed Easter weekend. The prayers and positive thoughts are still flowing from here in New Mexico!
    Please tell my Uncle Mike that Arne and Denise and Dennis & Jackie are checking on him regularly. They want to see him back on his Harley and hanging out with all of us in Red River and Questa!
    xoxo xoxo
