Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It is Wednesday evening here and the nurses have told me that i am not allowed to visit until tomorrow morning, so I will post this blog and go get some sleep. They said they are probably going to move Renee to her own room tomorrow so I can come stay with her at the hospital. I just spent an hour with her, and she is totally coherent and not in any pain. She was pretty talkative and wanted to know what all of you had to say on the blog, so I tried to remember the best I could. The only complaint she had was that she was a little itchy from the morphine and had a fat lip. Oh yeah, she had a fat lip and we couldn't figure out how she got it. Her nurse doesn't speak any English so she was of no help. She asked the doctor if someone punched her to knock her out and he said that she hit him first. We had a good laugh and then he said that it was probably from the thing that they put in your mouth to insert the tube into her stomach.

My dad is doing pretty well. It's hard to tell because he is so groggy. When I visited him around 2 in the afternoon he was the best. He was answering my questions and smiling and joking a bit. I took a look at what I could see of his body and couldn't believe that he had no belly! "Where did it go?" I said. He laughed a bit. I don't think either of us expected it to be so flat. He looks like a new man. AMAZING!! His eyes lookeda little yellow, but overall he looked really good. I went back again around 6 and he was kind of out of it. I was rubbing his feet and he told me to "put the other tape in" he said "it feels good when you play the other tape". I couldn't tell what the heck he meant. But then when I asked him if he knew where he was from and he said "La-La land" I knew then that the "tape" he was wanting me to change was probably the music in his head. So tonight I'm making him a playlist with some of his favorite music so he can listen to something other than the heart rate monitor in his room tomorrow. Hopefully the nurses will be okay with that.


  1. Hi Neysa,
    Please give Mike and Renee a hug from us and let them know that the folks in South Carolina and Georgia have been hoping and praying for a great outcome for both. Sounds like everything has gone as well as predicted and that you will be headed home in no time.
    Lots of Love,
    Katie, Larry and the kids!

  2. Neysa-
    It was wonderful seeing you and hearing your voice on Skype a couple of minutes ago. Your voice came across loud and clear and the picture couldn't have been better, however, neither Sandy nor I are experienced enough with Skype to analyze why the audio wasn't transmitting to you. Actually our total experience with skype is the roughly 3 minutes we were on there with you!!!!
    That we were even able to set up the account so it was usable surprized the heck out of us!!! We'll see if Barb or Miguel or Lexi can coach us through the use of this newest widget...I think by the time you guys get back to the states we'll all be first class "techno-geeks!!!!
    We'll try the connection again after we get educated a little bit, O.K?
    Love you, Al and Sandy

    Lexi- if you see this posting-give us a call.

  3. Neysa-

    So glad that things are going well for Mike and Renee. Please give them our best and let them know that we have been praying for and thinking of all three of you through all of this. You are doing a great job. Mike and Renee are fortunate to have you there!


  4. Wow!! I knew that I would hear good news but it is still wonderful to 'hear' it! Thank you Neysa for keeping up with the blog so that we are all updated on Renee and your dad's progress! Hugs and Love!


  5. hello my name is jennifer and i know renee through her fabolous slumber parties and i just wanted to say renee is someone very special i knew that from the first time i ever meet her i have been following her and her fathers progress and i am so greatful that everything has went so wonderful please let her know that i love her and miss her so much and to get better soon so we can have another great her know we all wish her and mike well you all are in my prayers and hope to see you all or hear from you soon..always in my thoughts and prayers..much love,jennifer and family....

  6. Neysa
    What wonderful news. We are sooo very happy to hear about Mike and Renee. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.
    Sending hugs (just not to tight..quite yet!)
    Jeanne and Jack

  7. Neysa, Good Morning!
    Ask Mike how it feels to see his feet again? It's been a long time. Give them both a nice foot rub for me. Love you,

  8. Good Morning! I am so happy that the surgery is completed and that everything seems to be going well. I can't even imagine being in your shoes Neysa - I'm so emotional every time I read all the updates, I can't imagine being there and seeing it all first hand. It truly is a miracle... both medically and technologically speaking! It has been so nice being able to look at the blog throughout the day and "talk" to all of the family and friends, even though we are not together physically - we really are pulling together as one and seeing all of this unfold through your eyes. Thank you for keeping everyone so in touch with what is happening on your side of the world. Love to all 3 of you...Aunt Suzi, Uncle Matt and boys

  9. Bill & Gail RickmanApril 8, 2009 at 7:13 PM

    Neysa, it is so great you are keeping us informed. We have been following the adventure. We are so happy to hear Mike is doing well and that Renee is recovering. Our hearts and prayers go out to you all.

  10. Neysa- Can you tell we are all hanging on your every word? I want to commend you all for your blogging and how WELL you write and give the little details that make us all feel like we are right there. I can just feel the morphine itch right now! It is nice to hear that Renee is feeling better today.

    I can not begin to imagine the emotional toll on you, you are truly an amazing woman.

    Thanks so much for your updates!

  11. Hi Neysa,
    All of us here in Monument are happy to hear things are getting better for our patients. I don't know what we'd do if we couldn't get these updates from you over there. Mike and Renee are so lucky to have you there to keep watch over them.
    Don't know if I've said this lately but I Love You and hope you are getting your rest too.
    It must be difficult for you at times to keep upbeat and positive while caring for your Sister and Father knowing how they are in so much pain.
    Hopefully this part won't last to much longer and maybe you soon you will be able to carry a conversation with your Dad without him having to turn the tape over first.
    Love and Prayers, Dave, Joyce, Danni and Alli

  12. Hey Neysa, thanks for the updates, I guess I haven't been able to get on skype when you are on it lately. tell mike and renee I said hi. I kinda believe the doctor about renee hitting him first. She can get violent some times. Let her know I'm doing fine here and just awaiting her quick return so that I can take care of her. I love you Renee..

    Love Miguel

  13. Aunt Mary & Uncle Rick FolchertApril 9, 2009 at 7:15 AM

    Hi Neysa,
    So happy to read that everything went so good. We are praying for Renee and Mike and hope you'll be home soon. Tell Renee she is a very brave woman and a wonderful example for all of us.
    Love, Aunt Mary & Uncle Rick

  14. Good Morning to all of you....
    It's becoming THE routine to head straight for the computer when we get up in the morning to look for an update from Delhi. As a matter of fact, Neysa, you probably noticed I was still in my bathrobe yesterday when we hooked up via Skype!! It's wonderful seeing the number of "comments" posted this morning and noting the new folks who have added their names to the blog. We know this blog is being followed by people all over the world that you don't even know about. e.g. Sandy's family in Minnesota and some of our cousins who we were with earlier this week. It would be great if more people would get brave and post comments to give you an idea of how many people "everywhere" are praying and pulling for you. It's evening in Delhi now, so we're anxiously awaiting word about the days events there.
    Love you all,
    Al and Sandy

  15. Received a call this morning when I got to work and guess who . . . Renee herself!! We only talk a minutes when the doctors came in and she said she would call me back. Her voice was very slow and a little labored. She said I knew you would be worried so thought I would call. She was feeling some pain today and they were adjusting her meds to account for that. I asked her if the elephant was still sitting on her chest and it was. If she stays still she is OK but it was hard to move around. Then Neysa called me back a few minutes later to ask if I had any questions for her. We only talked a couple minutes when the phone went dead. So I didn't find out much more. It was so good to hear their voices.

  16. Sorry, the above post was from Mom. Mom doesn't know how to get her name to show at the top. :{

  17. Hi ~ I work with Cecilia and want to tell you that many of us here (Univ of CO School of Pharmacy) have been doing our best to pitch in and help "hold you up" ... It is so good to read the encouraging news.
    May God bless you and use this incredible journey as a means of drawing you all closer ....
    Neysa, I second the comment about your literary skill. I have smiled and come to tears with your words. Many, many thanks!

  18. I am so thankful that Mike and Renee are doing okay! You guys are all in my daily thoughts and prayers. I hope to be able to talk to Renee soon.

    I love you all and can't wait until everyone comes home!

    Sarah L.

  19. It genuinely feels terrific knowing that all of you are healthy, happy and full of pizzazz again! Ty and I just got back in town from Copper and didn't have any internet access in our hotel so seeing that everything went smooth as butter was a great relief. I just got a new tele since mine has been on it's last leg for probably a year now and I did get an update message on Renee's surgery while we were on the mountain, but I have no idea who sent it-I definitely appreciated it though-THANK YOU MYSTERY MESSAGE SENDER! Now that everything seems to be moving in the right direction for recovery how long does team Q anticipate being away? I would really enjoy cooking a little Sunday dinner to welcome the two of them home once they both have some time to settle back in a bit. How are you Miss N. Marie? Are you planning on flying into Denver at all? It would be really nice to spend some time with you as well since I haven't been able to see you during your last couple of layovers. Just fyi, whenever you're planning to spend some time out here let me know a little ahead of time (if possible) so I can take an evening off, otherwise it's pretty difficult to skip out and get shifts covered. It sounds like your dad is really bringing sexy back... He's not going to know what to do with himself now that he has access to his own internal BOSE sound system (tapes) AAAAND he can play with his toes again...Phew, that's a lotta action!! Watch out Susan
    =)! As for Renee, little Miss "Busta Doc," I knew she would come out of this swinging-Rock star! Good work angelita, I love you and I'm thrilled that you're doing well. Come home so we can celebrate the new engagement/marriage!! Love to you all! xoxo

  20. This is for Renee's mom (and anyone else) if you want you name to appear above the post just pick Name/URL when you select a profile.

    then put your name in, but leave URL blank. Then you press post comment and it comes up.

    It must have been a busy day today. It is encouraging to know that Renee was on skype making calls.
