Friday, April 24, 2009


I left my computer with my dad today and showed his nurse how to play movies for him to pass the time. We also showed her how to open the blog, so if you have anything that you want him to read now would be a good time to write something short.

Renee and I spent the day at the hospital again trying to follow through with the progress of moving him out of ICU. We were told that he is able to be released, but they are waiting on a bed to open up. So that was good news that the doctors feel he is ready to move. We thought that if we waited around it may speed things up... but it didn't. They decided not to do dialysis today and will reassess it in the morning. Hopefully it won't postpone him moving out of ICU tomorrow because if he doesn't get moved tomorrow then he won't get moved til Monday.

Renee is feeling better tonight. I, on the other hand, was up all night with the same thing. Yesterday I kept denying my sick feelings, but at 1:00 in the morning there was no denying it anymore. Nonetheless, I think whatever we ate has been through us both now and hopefully tonight we will get some sleep and feel like new tomorrow.

We didn't push too hard to see him today because of our sickness, but when we talked to the doctor he felt that he was doing a little better mentally. He ate a banana and something else today and has had a little bit of output. When we spoke to him he still is saying "to get your butt down here and get me out!". They are being careful with the medication that they are giving him to protect his recovering liver and kidneys- so Uncle Al was right. We will be back first thing in the morning to see what the next step is.

One last thing... if you want to send something, you could probably just send it with Uncle Dave when he comes.


  1. Hi you 3! I finally set up an acct to allow me to sign in here - while I have been sending Neysa messages daily just about, I thought i had better put the word out there that you are rarely straying from my mind. I don't pray, but feel like daily I am praying that everything goes in a positive direction for all of you. I can't say how proud I am of both of you Neysa and Renee for staying strong, your selflessness and ability to stay positive for your dad. I feel deep down that everything is going to prove worth the fight Mike and you are going to come out of this healthy, happy and with a deeper closer bond to your girls. Stay positive and find the good in all the happens, it will give you all strength - there is always good and bad in everything, forget the bad and give all your energy to healing, happiness and love.

    I sure miss my Neysa, I know you all will be coming home different people, with a deeper sense of what is important in life. Our loved ones being one of them - and I sure love you Neys. Can't wait to see you, I am giving you all a deep warm hug from afar and sending the most positive juju I can muster out of me.

    Lots of love, Danette

  2. Mike-
    Neysa says you have the laptop today, so it feels great addressing a comment directly to you. All our other messages were directed to all of you, but addressed to Neysa and Renee since you didn't have access to a computer. It's an encouraging sign that you have progressed to the point of being allowed this "priviledge"!! Also, the news that the Doctors are considering a move out of ICU for you, is encouraging. The set-back which Neysa told us about in her posting yesterday was worrisome, but her latest report sounds like you are back on track with steady progress. We absolutely hate hearing of the suffering and pain which has been part of this whole process, but we all knew it wouldn't be easy. That you have progressed as much as you have in only 10 days is amazing and you can take comfort in knowing that the worst is behind you. Besides that, having experienced the worst of days, it will make the good days ahead of you that much the sweeter. I'll keep this short-just wanted you to know we're thinking of you. Stay positive and keep the faith.
    Love you,
    Al and Sandy

  3. Just a quick note to say hello to you, Mike! It looks like things are progressing again, and that is great news! Not a day has gone by without people asking me how things are going with you. All my friends are praying for you and so are we, constantly. We miss you and hope you will be coming home soon. The girls have really stepped up to the challenge and have done such a great job of taking care of you and keeping us informed. We are all so glad that the connection is here for us.

    I'm going to go for now, but wanted to say hello while I think you will be able to get the message. Take care, and we'll see you real soon!

    All my love,

  4. Hi Mike - I am so glad to hear that you are doing a little better today and the prospect of getting out of ICU is on the horizon! I know that it must feel like an eternity to be in a strange place with almost no contact with the girls - or really the rest of us, but hang in there, bro. You know, it may seem kind of strange, but I still remember feeling a little bit of that when I was a kid. I don't know if you remember, but when I broke my arm when I was 5, I was in traction in Colorado Springs at Penrose Hospital for 3 weeks. I still can remember feeling so lonely being there all by myself. With mom and dad working and living still in Palmer Lake, I used to be there all day long waiting for them to visit. I guess I was scarred for life! But, you know, once you get past that, you will be able to come home to all of us a new man. Take care, and be patient - I love you! Suzi

  5. Mike!!!! You are missed! We're holding down the fort here and looking forward to when you can return home.
    My work is winding down for the summer. John just got a cool job on a church. Nadine is Nadine! She draws you lots of pictures and hopefully Dave can bring a couple out when he gets there.

    And Matt..... hmmm What can I say... he's the self-appointed head of the "Grandpa Mike Fan Club." He can't wait till you get back and he can fix stuff and collect the rent with you! But really he would be perfectly happy just lying on the couch with you talking about the day.

    We all miss you and things should get better for you as the days pass. We all wish we could be there too and help alleviate the difficulties. We'll be here for you when you get back, you can count on that!

    We love you,
    jen john nadine and matt

  6. Hello my sweet uncle! I just want you to know how very much I love you and how important it is to me and everyone else in our family and to your friends that you embrace an optimistic attitude about everything that is happening right now. If all of us could be there by your side, we would. If all of us could take turns rubbin' on those little nubs of yours we would! We're all just as ready for all of you to come home as you are, but unfortunately your health is the number one priority...THIS is why you are where you are, with the tremendous love from Renee, Neysa and all of us, to mend you back to a state of health and happiness!!! You're an amazing human and you've got one of the most amazing support systems in existence so remember that during this difficult time! WE'RE WAITING FOR YOU AND WE LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS!!! XOXO Drina Brooke
