Monday, April 6, 2009

Less than 24 hours

Hi Everyone,

Well the countdown is on and we have been busy with last minute preparations. I will update the blog on your Tuesday morning (My Tues night) giving an update on the progress of their surgery. I should be able to talk to Renee by tomorrow evening. We just recorded a video that I think you will enjoy! We love you all and thanks again for you support!


Neysa, Renee and Dad


  1. I am so inspired by your strength.
    Love you guys,
    Amber & Mike

  2. Sending you and your Father many prayers and positive thoughts. Thank you for being as strong as you are. You are an angel.

    Denise Kuerzi

  3. YAY!! a video!! I think you are in surgery as I type this, it is 9:15 pm here so I think it is 8 in the morning there. Maybe you are just being prepped? We said a prayer at dinner for you all. Will hope for an update by the time we wake up!

  4. Wow! This is great! I asked the office staff at CCD classes tonite to keep you in their prayers! Nathan and I logged on to check on you and were so surprised and happy to see the video! We both thought you all look great! We also will look for another update in the morning efore we leave to school & work

  5. We went to Uncle Serafin's funeral today and up-dated them on the surgery. The Espinoza side of the family is also behind you with prayers and positive thoughts and energy. Uncle was 94 when he died last Sunday. There were a lot fun memories shared about him today. Remember all his jokes, singing, and faces he used to make? I'm sure Mom, Dad, and all our family who have gone before us are pulling for you! Minita was so happy she got to talk to you this morning as she rode with Rita to the funeral. I think you may have been trying to contact the rest of the family as phones were being turned off for the service.
    Well, by the time you get this, you should be on the road to recovery (just watch out for the elephants and camels on that road!) I hear they don't follow the rules of the road there! So, just get around those road blocks and bumps and hurry home....we all miss you very much! Love and prayers,

  6. It's so great to hear your voices and see your smiling faces. We are thinking about you today, sending lots of love and prayers your way!

  7. I've been thinking about you guys all night - I hope that the surgery has gone well. I was very bummed that I missed your call yesterday morning. I had just turned the phone to vibrate and was pulling in to park at the funeral home when you called. I tried to pick up but it was too late. It was nice to hear your voices, even though it was on VM instead of live. I'll keep sending my prayers your way....Love, Suzi

  8. Just before 6:00 a.m. here, so the BIG day should be well under way for all of you. We all spent the day with the Espinoza clan yesterday andburied Uncle Serefin at Fort Logan National Cemetary. It was a beautiful day and service. Everyone asked about you all and they join us in their best wishes and prayers. Lucilles husband, don, had his Blackberry (or whatever) with him and right away pulled up the "LIVERLETLLIVE' blog when we mentioned it at the inner after the funeral. Barb spent the night with us here at our house and is getting ready for work as I write this. We're all praying for all of you and anxiously awaiting word that all went well. Oh, have to mention how great the video was - adds another dimension to this already wonderful LIVERLETLIVE blog.

    Al Sandy and Barb

  9. Getting ready to go to work and will be anxiously awaiting your call or blog to update us all on the operation. God Bless!

  10. Just wanted to check in with you Mike,Renee and Neysa. By now I think you are in recovery. It's 8:30 New York time now and I will be checking in with Sue in a half hour.
    Our prayers and healing thoughts are with you always.
    Mike as I read this it seems you have a truely wonderful family starting with your beautiful, loving daughters. God bless you.
    Jeanne and Jack

  11. Dear Mike and daugthers, Yesterday I talked with Al and was so sad that you were missing from our Dad's service. He then told me you were having a liver transplant and your daughter is a donor. My thoughts,prayers and love are with you both for a speedy recovery and a safe trip home. Get well soon O.K. Love you. Your cousin Barbara(Espinoza)Alvarez

  12. Checking in hoping for an update. I am sure it has been a LOOOOOONG day for you all.

    If anyone else gets word, could you post here in a comment?


  13. Hee hee, haa haa, who who...We're taking you away to the funny farm-and shaving you on the way there!!! You all are too damn cute! I loved seeing your faces again, come home!! I love you...Drina

  14. Aunt Mary and Uncle Rick FolchertApril 10, 2009 at 9:03 PM

    thanks for the update. we're saying rosaries everynight for all of you. Neysa besure and take care of yourself. Remember you have to be well and strong for everyone else. Get some rest and your Dad will look better in the morning. I know you are a very strong person and your love for your Dad and Renee will carry you through. Our prayers this holy week are for all of you.
    Love You, Aunt Mary and Uncle Rick
