Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Doctors just called me and Renee is doing well!

I watched the sunrise over New Delhi this morning knowing that it was the to be the first day of my dad's new life. I stayed at the hospital last night so I could be with my Dad and Renee before surgery. The nurses never let them sleep, they were in his room all night poking him with IV's and who knows what else. Renee had a new room on the 4th floor so I was running up and down to be with both of them. We started to prep around 4:30 am, Renee was cool and collected reading the last chapters of her book. She didn't even cry until I gave her a big hug and told her how proud I am of her and that dad is so thankful for her. Dad was joking around a bit, but I could tell he was still nervous. I walked each of them down individually gave them a big kiss and squeeze and watched them get wheeled away. Then I waited...

It's now 6:30 and I just received a phone call from the Doctor saying that Renee's surgery went really well and that I will be able to come see her within a half an hour!! Dad will be in surgery until around 1 am. I probably won't be able to see him until tomorrow morning.

So that's all the news I have for now. I will keep you posted as the night goes on.



  1. Neysa,
    Praise God! I am glad that Renee's portion of the surgery went well. I will pray for the same for Uncle Mike. Love to you all

  2. I am so relieved to hear that Renee is doing well - please give her hugs and kisses from the Archuleta household! Hugs and kisses to you for your part in all of this too... I can hardly wait to hear how your dad is doing!!! I'll be anxiously awaiting the next update. love, Aunt Suzi

  3. Neysa,
    You started out your posting describing the beautiful sunrise east of Delhi and likening it to a good omen as the first day of your Dad's new life. As you know, the last comment I had written to you was before 6:00 a.m. this morning, and I too watched a beautiful sunrise east of the city here in Denver. Strange as it may seem, I felt the same thing you described. I thought of the cold, dreary, cloudy, snowy days we've had until day before yesterday and thought how those days could be likened to the days of suffering you have lived through in the recent past. But today, the beautiful sunrise, the clear blue skies and chirping birds give us all hope for better days ahead.
    We've already heard that Renee's surgery went tremendously well, and now we'll keep running to the computer every little while, waiting for word that Mike's situation is equally as good. Then a little while for recuperation and we can get back to the routine of seeing pictures of all of you on camelback sharing the byways with the goats and the chickens. Then, just a little old 20 hour flight across a couple of continents and oceans and you'll be back watching the sunrise as you do another pigroast in your backyard!!! We're still praying for all of you.

    Al and Sandy

    PS After watching the video, maybe we're being way too presumptious about your hurrying back to Colorado. Maybe you might get some offers to become "Indian Movie Stars" that would be way hard to say "no" to!!!!

  4. Wow the power of technology - we just watched your video from the comfort of the Las Vegas airport. We are waiting for our flight home after spending a long weekend here in Vegas.

    We are glad to hear that Renee's portion went well and are anxious to hear about Mike.

    Pat and Terri

  5. The Slumber girls were eager for an update, thanks so much Neysa for your update and for the beautiful description! We are eager to hear about Mike as well, but breathing a sigh of relief that Renee is in recovery. I will copy your post and put it on the Slumber board.

  6. Yay!!! What wonderful news! Susan just told me that the doctor from WorldMedAssist called her and said that Mike has come out of surgery and he is doing well too.
    We can't wait for the next update!

  7. Hello Brother and my two beautiful nieces,
    I am so happy to hear the surgeries went well and now you are on the way to recovery.
    I too happened to be witnessing a gorgeous sunrise as I drove to work this morning and my thoughts and prayers were focused on all you have been through since beginning your journey into the unknown.
    You are all so very brave and I am so proud of each and every one of you. It is truely unbelievable how far you have come in a short time.
    Looking back, I'm sure there were times you had to be wondering if this could really be possible. Now that surgery is behind you, your healing may begin and I'm so thankful there were no complications for either one of you!
    It has been so great keeping track of your travels, updates and following your progress.
    I have to admit one thing however. I always seem to be running as I finish reading the blogs and have honestly never had a chance to go back to check on comment status. I have been posting (I thought) comments after each and every blog update and just discovered I hadn't been doing it correctly. My comments have not been getting posted!
    You guys must have been wondering why I hadn't been keeping in touch. I was, but mostly to myself it appears. Am I bad?
    Anyhow, I love you all and want you to know I really was writing. Thanks Suzy for the help!
    I could go back and try to recreate all I have written, however I think I will just go forward from this point. I'm feeling a bit silly about now, but I'm sure you can use to have a little humor so I'll throw myself out there and maybe you can have a chuckle over this.
    God Bless all of you. I will be praying for your recovery and look forward to your good news in days and hours to come.
    Love, Dave, Joyce, Danni & Allison

  8. We saw the Moriarty Madness (Jen's) posting above, just about the time it came across, and then recieved a short e-mail from Susan telling us she had heard via telephone that Mike likewise is out of surgery and doing well. God really does listen to prayers, so we'll say a little prayer of thanks before we go to sleep tonight.

  9. Mike, Renee and Neysa!!

    I've been keeping tabs through Jen and your blog. I'm relieved to know that Mike and Renee are both out of surgery. You've all been in my thoughts, and will continue to be until your home safe and sound (and even after that!).

    The father daughter bond is a very special one... Take very good care of yourselves!

