Thursday, April 16, 2009

Out of touch

First off, I must apologize for being out of touch the last few days. The internet at the hospital has been down. Renee and I decided to make a video for her last day in the hospital. Hope you enjoy it! Dad is doing a little better. His kidneys are slowly producing more unrine - 200ml yesterday. Which still isn't a lot, but it's better than nothing. He is still in ICU. But is starting to make sense and even joke with the nurses. Today we were allowed to leave him a book and my i-pod, with a playlist of his favorite music. I wrote him a funny note too- since the nurses still won't let me see him.

We spoke with the kidney specialist yesterday to get a better idea of what we are looking at for his recovery. He said that he wants to wait another 4 wks before deciding if it is necessary to do a kidney transplant. That makes me feel confident that they are not just trying to make money and sell us a "quick fix" for an unnecessary surgery - and that they are optimistic about the possibility of their recovery. Susan, Jen, Renee and I had a list of questions that he answered, so our meeting was very informational. I'll spare you the details, but we are hoping that they recover on their own so he can come home soon.


  1. We're having technical difficulties downloading the video. Hopefully we can get it to work today.

  2. Hi Neysa! I have been thinking about you and have been checking the blog waiting for a new update so I'm glad to hear from you. Great news that Renee is ready to leave the hospital. I'm looking forward to seeing the video. I'll keep praying for your dads kidney's to heals and I have the whole Cabo English Church praying too! I sure do miss you, and I'm so proud of you for the strength and courage that you have had through all of this and Renee too! I'm heading home to the states in a few days. Hopefully I'll touch base with you on skype before then. Muchos besos amiga.

  3. What a treat! The video was great fun to watch. Keep getting healthy!


  4. Loved your video! It was good to see our Indian Movie Stars in action. It's Friday morning and I am happy I don't have to go out in the snow storm for the rush hour traffic. We are supposed to get up to 12 inches by tomorrow.

    Renee hope you enjoyed a great night of sleep and are about ready for another one. The extra rest will do you good on your healing journey. I apologize to both of you for being so impatient about not hearing from you. I know you were busy so don't be offended. I stirred some comments up for all of us and that was great hearing from others who were feeling the same way.

    I will be sending special prayers out for your Dad too. Thanks for the update.

    Love and prayers,

  5. Hey guys! Glad to hear things are progressing! It was great to see you on the video. Renee, how are you feeling? When do the doctors think you'll feel normal again? When is your anticipated return to the US? Can't wait to see you in person and give you a hug!!! Hugs to all of you!

  6. Great to see you guys. I can only imagine how getting out of the hospital must feel like a giant step. We are still thinking of you guys every day.


  7. The videos are always a big hit, you both will have to continue your blogging and vlogging when you get home, you are naturals!

    Keep up the healing and my prayers are now that you have consistent internet, and of course the kidney dance. I am now quite rhythmic and natural at it, I am thinking of starting a kidney dance studio.



  8. Hi Renee and Neysa,
    The video was great. I wasn't able to try it this morning because I was running behind getting to work. I thought about it all day though, so it was good hearing your voices again and seeing you close to live.
    It snowed here all day long. A very wet snow, so it didn't raelly accumulate much more than 5-6 inches. It did however take a break this afternoon and allowed me to plow the driveway before it decided to start snowing again. We now have close to 18 inches and it's suppose to snow late into tomorrow with possible accumulations of more than 2 feet.
    Hope you guys gad a good day and feeling better all the time. Sounds like Mike may be getting stronger too. He must be so bored since you can't get in very often to check on him.
    Take care and we'll be talking soon. Uncle Dave, Joyce, Danni and Alli

  9. Hi all,

    It was such a treat to see my beautiful nieces on your video! It's always so nice to be able to hear your voices. I'm so glad that Renee has made this big step in moving out of the hospital. It's always rough after surgery, but take it slow and easy and I know you will recover fully before you know it. We have had such a wild spring here in the Rockies. So much of March was 60 and 70 degrees and now we are having the spring storms. With all of this snow, we are hoping that prom will not be cancelled tonight. We have probably close to 10-12" accumulation this morning, but since it's been warm, I know that we had a ton that just melted as it hit the ground. It's supposed to be in the 40's today though, so the big melt will be on - let's hope anyway. This week we are supposed to be in the 70's again....geezzz....Anyway - everyone keep your fingers crossed that Dylan's first prom will go off as planned! Big hug and kisses to all - Renee & Neysa..if you break in to see your dad, give throw him a kiss from me too! Love you guys - Aunt Suzi

  10. Dana-I'm not sure how long it will take for me to feel "normal" again. When you say you want to give me a big hug I cringe! How about a virtual hug?? Basically I could describe the way I feel in two different ways 1-Like Mike Tyson punched me right below my right rib and 2 that I have a huge stitch in my side (kind of like a cramp you get when you run). My back sometimes hurts if it's not propped up or if I'm walking. When I go to the hospital tomorrow I will try to get a chest band to help with my back. I have been able to do my daily routine and take care of myself. Neysa still helps me do a few things including carrying heavier things for me.

    At this point my plane ticket is scheduled for 4/28 but I want to see how my dad progresses before I leave. I might end up staying another week or so.

    Kelly-I can't wait to attend the kidney dance classes! Maybe you should send me a video. I'm going to check the one out you sent me earlier today.

    Love you guys and thanks for the posts!

  11. I'M SO EXCITED AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT, I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW I WANT CHU...I WANT CHU!!! YEAY THAT YOU ALL WILL BE PLANNING TO HEAD HOME SOON! I'm so happy that all of you are making great progress with everything (to include Top 10 video hits of the virtual vision world =)). If only we could get Neys to stop spreading kooties throughout the hospital from her wild camel riding through the city!!! Don't you be giving your pops camel worms, I hear their wicked nar-nar! I love you birds and I'm in a bit of a rush to head into work so until later...Tizzle Tizzle Fizzle Nizzle! Hee hee, tah tah for now for all of you that haven't been keeping up with the latest cool kid craze in lingo (Ha, ha I'm such a dork...I totally made that one up)-xoxoxox

  12. hello neysa and my dear renee,you all look to be great you look so amazing i love the video you look so great and you look so full of life and so very happy we are so proud of you .you are a amzazing women..renee i am so happy everything is going great and i can not wait to see you..give your father a kiss from us and let him know everyone in denver is waiting for him to get better and come home..renee i loved the video it was the best to see you and your beautiful sister and know by the loks on your face you all are doing well and so you all and i am so very happy for you all...get better soon .....jennifer

  13. Hang in there you guys, I'm sure that it IS very frustrating for you All, not to be in closer touch with each other over there in the hospital, but do keep in mind that you just had surgery --- Major Surgery---just two wks. ago! The Drs. know what is important for you MIKE, and I think you should heed their advice! This is a very good time to concentrate on prayer, and connecting through faith! I only mean well, and wish well for all of you, but patience is very important in your healing processes. I know this is easier said than done for those of us who are not THERE, but like I said, It's only been 2 wks., and that's a relatively short time, .... I love you guys, (brother!) Rita
