Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Minor Infection

Dad was not moved out of ICU today because they found that his incision site was a little infected this morning. The doctors had decided to remove the infection completely so it doesn't become a problem. Renee and I went to the hospital around 3:00 to sign the papers to allow him to have the minor surgery so they could get him in tonight. The doctor said that his surgery would be at 8:30. So we waited until then so we could see him and talk to him on his way down to the Surgery Center, very sneaky on our part since they won't allow us in ICU. He looked a little pale and his arms were really swollen and bruised. He asked us if we were going to be around for a bit and we said yes. We told him to stay strong and explained that this was just a minor surgery and nothing to be afraid of. We also wanted him to understand that they wanted to monitor him for 48 hours before deciding if he could be released from ICU. I know that he wants to get out of there really badly. Every day that he doesn't get out of ICU he is really disappointed. But because he is so prone to infection, and will continue to be, the ICU is probably the best place for him to be until the doctors decide to release him. I know they are monitoring him 24-7 and taking care of him, but I don't think he is comfortable there, or happy, and i know that I could take better care of him in every other way except protecting him from infection, and that is the most frustrating part. I hate being here and not being able to see him.


  1. Neysa,
    Please let us all know when Uncle Mike is out of this Minor Surgery. My eart aches for him as I know he must be frustrated and scared. I am pulling for him.

  2. Hello,
    I've been trying to skype you both but I don't seem to be on at the right time. It sounds like the doctors made a good decision to take care of the infection quickly. My heart goes out to you all... especially Mike at this point. I am so looking forward to seeing him on skype and I hope that you can get him in a regular room soon! Although I am happy that they seem to be trying their best to protect him from infection, so that's good. We are all thinking of you. When you talk to Mike next let him know that Matt will be freezing a piece of birthday cake for him! He's turning 4 on the 28th of this month and he misses Grandpa a lot... as we all do. Give him a gentle hug from all of us and I'll keep trying to skype you. Let me know if you can read what I write to you on the skype too....
    love, jen, john, nadine and matt

  3. Hi Renee, Neysa and Brother Mike,
    WE are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers tonight and always. Hopefully this should help Mike in moving to a regular room in a shorter time.
    I'm sure he is very frustrated with this latest development, but with a little help he should come out better in the long run.
    Our Love to all of you, Uncle Dave, Joyce, Danni and Alli

  4. One two, buckle my shoe, three four, shut the door, five six, pick up sticks, seven eight, stay up late...We know the two of you are staying up late filled with worry, faith and love in your hearts trying to make it through each day high in spirits and Ty and I just want you to know that everything is going to be okay! This amazing father, beau, brother, grandfather, previous husband, friend, uncle... This great chap is going to be fine-It may take a day or two or three or four, but he'll be fine and dandy because the world isn't finished with him yet!!! Pray long and hard with us my lovely bellas and let us generate the strength your daddy needs to to overcome all this crazy juju!! xoxoxoxoxo ALL OUR LOVE...TY AND D.
