Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coming Home

We are sitting in the Delhi Airport waiting for our flight to depart. There is nothing more that we want right now than to see our family. Yesterday was a long day of paperwork with the hospital and U.S. Embassy. Renee and I had our own ceremony to have our father cremated. It was actually quite amazing and peaceful. We had my I-pod with the playlist of his favorite music, so we covered his body with flowers and told him that we were here to let his spirit be free. We both said our good-bye's after listening to "our song". We love him dearly and have been blessed with this time together.


  1. We cannot wait to see you, too! The last six weeks have been extremely long on both sides of the world. We cannot wait to hold you in our arms as we have wished we could this whole time. You have both been so strong and amazing having shouldered this all by yourselves. I'm sure my brother is very proud of the strength you have shown. (He was a great father, wasn't he?) He taught you well. We will all miss him dearly, but we know he is suffering no more.

    We hope to meet you at the airport when you arrive. Wishing you a safe flight home,
    All our love,
    Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Rick

  2. Hi I am very sorry for your loss, I'm a friend of your aunt Cecilia and I feel like I know you and your family just by the way she is always talking about you. I just don't know what to say my prayers are with you and your family and you two sound like amazing daughters please feel some consolation knowing that you did all you could and that your father where ever he might be I am sure knows that you loved him very much. My prayers are with you and your family

  3. Renee and Neysa,

    Your father was an unbelievable individual and knew how to enjoy life. He will certainly be missed by many. As I read this entire blog I was truly impressed by the courage and love that you have shown in all that your selfless endeavors to extend your fathers life. I know how proud your father has always been of you both and I cannot imagine how proud he is today. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Ed Peats

  4. Safe travels ladies. I can't imagine how bitter sweet your homecoming will be.

  5. Renee & Neysa,

    Welcome back home from your long journey. My heartfelt prayers go out to you and the Family Q. Mike's passing came as quite a shock, having been out of the loop. I acknowledge you for your love and devotion to your father and know that you gave him a great send off to start his next great adventure. He's made the transition to a new place beyond limits, embraced with love from family on both sides. I'm sure that my mother and his are there to greet him; along with their sister, aunt Josephine, his father and so many more. Knowing your dad, they are all having a party in paradise, as we speak. So let's be joyful that his journey is blessed, that he is still with us in spirit, and that we too will see him again. With our love and prayers,
    Rudy, Brinda, and the Family L.

  6. I hadn't read the posts for a couple of days, it's been so hard to even face the blog! I am feeling so blessed as I read the messages of Love, Light and Spirit! Thank you all endlessly; As endless Love is what we are always left with in the memory of a Life..., we all can hold The Spirit in our hands, and feel the light of it in our hearts! MY Condolences to all of YOU, who knew Mike in that very part of him which WAS Light! We will all miss his Smiles, his twinkling laughter, and all of the good times! May The Great Spirit Bless his journey still, AND Bless "Us All!" R.

  7. Mike was a good man and will be missed by all. Let's celebrate his life and remember that we all will have our day. Peace is the prize of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with him and the entire Quintana family. Ed Lobato

  8. We met the girls yesterday at the airport. It was their mother Barb, Miguel, Aunts Suzi, Sandy, and myself (Cecilia), Uncles Al & Dave. Susan met us for lunch as we just didn't cross paths at the airport. It WAS bitter-sweet having them return without their father. We all will miss him so much.

    The girls are good. It is not for lack of effort that things turned out as they did. However we all realized that God had the plan play out without much time to spare. The girls were able to be by Mike's side at his passing. (Neysa was to return on Tuesday.) Another day later would not have given them time at the Embassy, time for cremation or the finalization of all the paperwork they needed to complete. It played out without a moment to spare. They barely had time to throw the bags together, and as Renee said, "To get the heck out of Dodge."
    There was an original plan B which we never had to initiate which would have had another donor fly out and never would have given the girls the peace I think they deserve. They gave all they could and more. They are so strong. We are all so proud of them.

    So, our family has always been strong. We will remain so, with a big piece misssing at the heart of it. I'm sure our parents were there to greet Mike with open arms as well as so many that have left this earth plane previously. We have all our uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and even a brother and sister before Mike was born. He is probably feeling a lot of love from here, and as he arrived, too.

    Thank you all for your comments, please continue to post. It has been nice seeing so many people from the past. Much love to you all,

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My heart is with you two. I love you both very much. Let me know if you need anything.
    Sarah McWhinnie

  10. So sorry to hear about the loss of your father. May his spirit soar.
