Sunday, April 12, 2009


Hi Everyone,

Thank-you for all of your Easter messages! We thoroughly enjoyed everyone of them. It's strange to be so far away from everyone but still feel closer than we've ever felt to our entire family and friends. This blog has truly been a God-sent.

Although everything is back to normal now, we received news at 1 a.m. from the doctors that my dad had a severe hypertension episode. Our understanding is that it means a "a sudden spike in blood pressure". Luckily he is still in ICU so they are monitoring his every move and we feel confident that they are taking good care of him. Renee and I have been online researching to find out more about hypertension, and waiting to see the doctors so they can answer our list of questions. We will keep you posted as we get more information.

As far as his kidneys go it has been a bit of a roller-coaster ride this week. We've been waiting to post a blog until we have more sound information on the direction of his kidneys. We are still waiting for them to bounce back on their own, but the more time goes on the more we need to start preparing for other options and asking more questions. The doctors said that they can keep him on dialysis for as long as needed and that if they don't recover on their own within 6 months then he would be a candidate for a kidney transplant. Which, of course, would be much more affordable here. We are keeping our fingers crossed that with the new liver functioning properly that the kidneys will follow. If you would like to read more about this you can refer to this article; .



  1. Oh My! I will pray constantly today for the bood pressure issue!
    I joined the kids for music last nite at the Hi Dive bar, saw 2 very cool young artists. one of them was a one-man (girl) band, Mira, who used all kinds of techie instruments for her band...very interresting--so talented! The other band, Forever Tender were all really talented musicians...Violin, clarinet, drums-percussion, bass guitar and the lead guitarist,Melanie I think, also sang--beautiful! Quite enjoyeable! BUT--the dang bar was so dusty, that I had an allergic reaction which causes my eyes to swell closed!
    One eye still looks awful by this morning after taking a couple benedril, so I am not going to work, because I look like some kinda monster out of a horror movie, and it would probably cause more disturbance than anything!
    I hope that this day goes well for you all, and that Mike's blood pressure is stableized for good!
    I've been curious to know if you have connected with any other Americans who are also hanging out there at the hospital for surgeries...just curious. That could be another level of support for you too Neysa, just to have someone to talk to during your times away from Renee and your dad--you know, to have lunch with, and chat if you have the time, etc...
    The Grace and Patience of Jesus guide and help you all through this day! Love, Rita

  2. Hello All,

    My name is Kimberly and I work with Cecilia. I have been following the family since all of this began. I know your struggles and hardships and pray for you daily. I have donated to the fund continue to offer support and prayer. My church and many friends churches lift up all your name to the Lord for guidance, peace and health. I know in my heart that God will pull each and everyone of you through for a miraculous outcome! Keep your faith and know you are never alone!
    Kimberly Bohman - UC Denver

  3. I am thinking of you all today. Hoping for kidney strength!

  4. I was praying today for Mike's kidneys trying to focus on colors and I got all confused and distracted so I hope I didn't mess things up with my inability to focus on prayer, colors and kidneys all at once!

  5. Hello My name is Felix and I work with your sister at the SOP. I also been helping your sister by sending her emails of encouragemant & bringing her spirits up from my emails. I wish you and your daughter the best of health and recovery from your surgery. Our prayers are with you and familly!

  6. Hi Renee!
    Ok, this is totally random and I'm only posting this to put a smile on your face...
    So I was working with Preston on a Boy Scout theme- Faith. We were discussing church, reading the bible, etc. I asked him, "Where do people go on Sundays?" His reply, "To the beach."
    Where am I going wrong?! lol

    Love & Miss you! Hugs to you, your sister & dad.

  7. I'm hoping that the kidneys decide to participate soon.
    Hugs and Kisses~ Amber & Mike

  8. Hi Renee,
    I'm just catching up on all of your family posts. I'm glad you are doing well and your Dad is doing better. We think of you all the time! I hope the kidneys start to behave.
    Lots of love,
    Lisa D.

  9. Dearest Renee, Neysa and Mike,
    We are all praying for strength, continued healing and daily blessings.
    It is so difficult to be here and unable to do a thing knowing what each and every one of you is going through.
    Thank God we are able to communicate with you in this manner. It allows us to know your feelings and in a way allows us to be there with you.
    No one ever said this was going to be easy did they?
    Renee, how are you feeling? Are you improving daily? Are you feeling stronger? We know your challenges are many as well and pray for your full recovery.
    Please let your Dad know that even though we aren't there, you are all three in our thoughts every hour of every day!
    Lots of Love, Dave, Joyce, Danni and Alli

  10. Thinking of you guys!

    Much love,

  11. You all are constantly in my thoughts!! You have so much love and prayer back home, those kidneys have just gotta cooperate ;)

    With Love and Hugs,


  12. Kelly Kidney DancerApril 13, 2009 at 10:17 PM

    Just got home from a party and am doing a kidney dance...this is easier than that color thing I was trying earlier!

  13. Well, what ever dance, prayer, signals, thoughts etc... you are sending-they are working! Dad had 100 ml output today where as the last few days he hasn't been producing any output! So great news.

  14. I’m sending this to let you know
    I think of you each day,
    And pray for your recovery,
    Hoping soon you’ll be okay.
    You’re going through a lot right now;
    You’re treatments can be trying;
    Remember while you do them
    It’s your problem you’re defying.
    Hold on to your positive attitude,
    And when things get hard to bear,
    Know that I am here for you;
    Remember that I care.
    And when you’re well and flourishing,
    Look back and realize,
    You learned what you were made of;
    That’s a reward that satisfies!
    By Joanna Fuchs

    There is a cool breeze blowing in through the open window I’m sitting in front of and I watch with a peaceful mind as the air tosses the leaves of the potted plants I have sitting in the windowsill. I can hear the sweet solo of a tiny little bird perched outside as it challenges the obnoxious noise spewing from a diesel truck parked in the alley below, but all I can think about is figuring out how to use this subtly silent moment to place a smile on each of your faces while we’re so far apart...

    First of all, happy belated Easter to all of you, I hope all of our love, thoughts and prayers made it to you in the form of high spirits-all things considered of course. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of sharing music created by 3 different artists with Ty, mum and some of my other favorite humans for Easter. There were smiles and love spread throughout the entire venue and the emotion felt by each individual person, due to the level of intelligent composition by each artist, was intoxicating. While most of us laughed and danced arm in arm you could also see trails of tears glistening at the corners of inspired eyes throughout the crowd. All of us had an incredible time even though little mama’s eye started to transform into what looked like a small lagoon creature halfway through the show because of all the dust dancing in the air. Needless to say, the show ended and all of us went on our merry little ways, to include mama’s little lagoon buddy, and slipped into a state of necessary sleep. This morning I woke up early to head up the mountain to A. Basin with Aaron (Lobato) and Joey to shred some of the last remaining snow on the peak. After all, I do have a beautiful Ride and where last season I had at least 30-40 days up, this season has been limited by work so I figured I HAVE to get at least 2 days in…Good grief Charlie Brown! The sky was clear and painted in a shade of brilliant indigo that I know all of you would appreciate and as we started heading over the pass the snow capped hills became even more picturesque as I’m sure you can imagine. The air was thin and clean, just the way we Quintana’s like it (Inhaler…Check. Eppy pin…Check. Benadryl…Check.), and the sun was toasty upon our cheeks. We jumped on the peak and rode from front to back all day and by the time we were finished we were all thoroughly exhausted. By the time I got home today I had a stellar hematoma on my shin from some magic chairlift action and the boys were beat up from a long night of “tea and crepes” (nudge-nudge) the night before…Oh, not to mention a REALLY bad breakfast we had prior to reaching the top-Talk about intestinal confusion! Phew…Zoinks. Today was a good day…A very good day.

    I hope I was able to get your minds off of some of the stress I'm sure you're all feeling and smiled at least once or twice during that little visual adventure! I love you all very much and am thinking of you daily. I still have no idea how to take advantage of this cool skype deal I keep reading about. Please feel free to help me see you!!!
    Xoxoxo Drina
